right syn

 Right syndicalism, has its roots in the class struggle but instead of abolishing class, it permits class collaboration by way of corporatism, gives its approval to private property and that unity behind a nation-state, while syndicalism generally is decentralized and libertarian. Since Right Syndicalists still are supportive of syndicates, and for the reason there was at first question as to whether there was a left-wing to Plutocratic Social Corporatism, can right syndicalists actually be considered on the left?

Some right syndicalists appeared to be coming to accept Karl Marx's view that socialism could be only achieved via the highest development of capitalism

So this proves right syndicalists are interested in achieving socialism at some point? 

Right Syndicalism is not "left-wing", and it could not even be seen as so way back when . It's the result of nearly getting the idea but then doing a full 180 and missing the mark completely 

Right Syndicalism,  rejects class struggle and in its place it promotes class collaboration by way of unity and solidarity along national/radlib class lines instead of non radlib class lines. This is polar opposite of Socialism or Syndicalism where solidarity is for all workers (in a class reductionist manner)


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