
Almost off compass (just slightly), economically centrist, 

Anti Police State

Anti Bankrocracy

Supports Marxism-Leninism

Supports Collective Leadership

Supports a mix of Hotep and Black Justice Principalism

Supports National Otherkinisim (among the Otherkin subculture only not involving non otherkins and absolutely not in any way shape or form based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex/gender, religion, ability/disability , mental status etc since this whole ideology correctly believes every non otherkin of all stripes and creeds are absolutely equal to each other and deserve full equal rights

National Otherkinism believes that some types of kins of the otherkin community are spiritually impure or inferior.

Is Anti fascism particularly Anti Esoteric fascism

Supports pluralism, diversity and multiculturalism 

Supports some elements of Progressive socialist ideology Posadism 

Supports a peaceful voluntary pan secessionist parallelism society to prevent civil wars and hate crimes (along with these thoughts here which I happen to agree with more directly) 

Condones Benefactorism but only as an alternative to conformity, ostraciziation , and hive mind (since if you go as far as the latter 3 you might as well just go all out to Benefactorism). Also supports real life Benefactorism 

Believes people should be judged by their actions not their identities but also believes in and supports Transracial (identity)  and Transracial rights

These ideas are inspired from this book which makes a case that some racial and ethnic voluntarist acts might highlight the artificial and constructed nature of race and ethnicity (i.e challenging assumptions about the stability and categorical organization of race and ethnicity itself). and that such racial ethnic voluntarism may celebrate, not simply appropriate, “black culture”; and, may embody a self-conscious critique of being white


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