
 I believe that the New England states should have seceded from the Union during the War of 1812 thus forming their own county and helped or took over for the British in that war against the US. Once that happened and New England won the War of 1812 vs the US (and Britain left the US),  

I'd want New England to force the South, Midwest, West and non New England Northeast US to be as liberal as New England. It's just that I feel that the US wasn't doing enough to help New England during that war and that New England could have had an opening in seceding and defeating the US to spread liberal New England puritan values throughout the US to make the US more liberal decades earlier and be ahead of the curve hence my support for a 1812 New England secession from the Union and them forming their own country.

I support the United States breaking free of British rule in the 1770s, and fighting for and gaining their independence from Britain. I support the formation of the United States and everything the United States was founded on. I support the United States in the Revolutionary War. The United States was founded on FREEDOM not white supremacy or slavery. Don’t let woke revisionists twist our nation’s founding.


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