Base pink WIP on this Piper rockelle deal

 I fully agree with what Pink said below about Piper Rockelle 

Piper's mom Tiuffany always makes Piper look like an adult and this is an extreme case of it 

The blowback that Pink got from hive mind woke cultists Liberal 2.0 extremist freaks on Twitter is a perfect example of what a evil sick hive mind cult the Liberal 2.0ers and especially the extremist Liberal 2.0ers are.  They their liberal left icons unitl those icons rightfully speak out against one of their stupid, dumb, Liberal viewpoints at which time those Liberal 2.0 hive mind cult turn on liberal leftists like Pink for daring to have an independent 'non Liberal 2.0/non woke approved' opinion

I've seen this disgusting, cultish, hive mind, regressive, extremist , cultural marxist behavior of those idiots that turned on, ganged up on and bullied Pink , with other liberal left celebs who rightfully expressed a independent view that the liberal 2.0 freaks didn't like wrongly become turned on for not parroting Liberal 2.0 talking points full time (like these demented retarded animals did with John Mellencamp, James van Der Beek, Lindsey Ellis, Contrapoints, Ana Kasparian, Margaret Atwood, Brianna Wu, Ice Cube,  Pete Davidson, Susan Sarandon, Bette Midler, Chris Rock, etc)  to a much much lesser extent Russell Brand)

These moron twitter radlib losers like the ones who wrongly harassed the celebs above are the fringe of the fringe and their woke radlib views are even less mainstream than actual racist and actual neo nazi views are but the 2 or 3 percent of Americans , Canucks and Britbongs who have such views can spoil the whole bunch for Liberal 2.0ers/Democrats etc

Again these radlib extremist Liberal 2.0ers who wrongly trashed Pink and the other left liberals above are cultists hive mind fools just like MAGA . They are like the people in Jonestown, like Charlie Manson's Family cult and everyone who was in those cults would back me up here

The vast majority of 'blowback' Pink got for her correct view on Piper Rockelle was likely from pedophile men and little girls who are Piper Rockelle stans. Most of Pink's fans agree with that Tweet by Pink or are at worst apolitical/neutral on it.

How depraved is our society becoming when Pink wrongly gets criticizes for poining out a viewpoint that over 80 percent of Americans, Australians, Canadians, Europeans, Asia residents, Africa residents also share,

Piper Rockelle was wrong to wear that bikini at that age on camera. It's defensible if she wears it off camera but male perverts will watch those bikini stuff on 14 year olds like Piper

These radlib freaks who wrongly attacked Pink over her rightfully condemning a 14 year old girl wearing a bikini online are hypocrites because they are the same morons who wrongly criticize middle age (as in 35 to 50+) men or women for marrying 18 or 19 year olds and smear said middle aged people as 'pedophiles' when the real pedophiles are people who attacked Pink over her Tweet and parents like Piper's mom Tiffany who support sexually exploiting children and pleasing online pedophiles

if anyone is 'radicalized' or extremists it is the extreme Liberal 2.0ers freaks like the ones who harassed the celebs above or the ones I write about in this blog sphere and especially the degenerate pieces of shit who share the views I criticize here

The real far left is better than the far right, but the Social Justice Anarcho-INGSOC Communalists and the Liberal 2.0 extreme are as bad as the far right. I mean there has to be a point where the radically liberal is as bad as the far right (the far left is and will always will be better than the radlib and far right)

Now that it has come to light that Piper's sick pedo mom Tiffany sexually exploited and abused Piper's cousins and friends (and probably did more than just exploit Piper when no one was around), I say that the radlib losers on who wrongly criticized Pink for this base Tweet owe Pink an apology . Piper like those former Piper squad members were sexually abused, exploited and sexualized . This sick pedo monster of a mother basically made Piper's channel a kiddie porn lite channel. Millions of pedos watched this poor kid.

The teens in the video above and Piper herself were robbed of their innocence and childhood and Tiffany should be thrown in prison and be barred from ever going near children ever again. Tiffany will pay for what she did if not now then sometime in the future. Karma like Tiffany Rockelle is a bitch


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