Hakeem Jeffries is a partisan hack

 We saved America from the extreme right-wing plot to crash the economy.

They are wasting time in a phony effort to save kitchen appliances.

9:33 AM · Jun 6, 2023




This idiot has no proof of this. He wrongly smears anyone who doesn't agree with him (and who is on the right) as 'extremists'. Newsflash you dumb fuck, you don't smear your colleges as 'extremists' especially if you want to work with them. 

Sounds like another conspiracy theory, similar to the one
There is nothing extreme about the Republicans actions on this ceiling bill. Now these Dummycrats are wrongly labeling literally every thing the Republicans do as 'extremism' 

You know what Hakeem, I support the Republicans 

I echo the views to his stupid Tweet here


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