Mork and psatreodiofdoi

Post Anti Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan League heterodox Patriotism Sovieticalism+ is Post Anti Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan League heterodox Patriotism Sovieticalism +:

Patriotic Socialism but Volunteers (of America) of Jefferson Airplane's song Volunteers mixed with a fusion of Isaac Kandel's International Understanding with Jacques Derrida's New Internationalism type of 'Patriotism' 

 T Paine Socialism/Jeffersonian Socialism ideology added into the Socialism part along with a mix of this type of Independent socialism 

Based off of George Orwell's ideas on Patriotism he expressed in Notes on Nationalism , these views expressed in this Anarchism reddit thread and views from this stupidpol thread including ideas from said thread that seeks to fix Patriotic Socialism 


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