
North Vietnam went full neocon with their Cambodia intervention to take the KR (of Cambodia) out and the North Vietnamese used the same red fascists to do so that they used to wrongly murdered over 50,000 US military people during the Vietnam War.  

But North Vietnam intervening in Cambodia and taking out the KL was justified, just like Israel's foreign actions over the last half century (Israel is the land of God's chosen people)

I don't care about the US and UK backing the KR in Cambodia, the US and UK are always sticking their noses in foreign affairs where it doesn't belong. The US and UK have done millions of horrific and repugnant things for centuries and that KR backing was just another feather in the Cap for Uncle Sam and Union Jack

Thinking that most Auth Lefts support the KR genocides is western lies by anti 'Tankies'

I can see where some reasonable, unironic Auth lefts come from when they question typical claims about Pol Pot and his state, but I still view Pol Pot and the KR negatively obviously. I brace myself of the red fascism committed by the evil KR regime when I read that each time (and it brings out the anti tankie in me)

This article is from likely "Maoists"  covers Kampuchea pretty fine: https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/pol/khmerrouge.html

This meme also describes my contempt for edgy so called tankies who LARP as KR stans:

According to Henry Kissiner the Thais and the Chinese did not want a Vietnamese-dominated Indochina. The US didn't want the Vietnamese to dominate, so the US was indifferent 


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