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Ult Neoconservatism 

Ult Neoconservatism is an ideology that's influenced by Globalization, Coastal Intellectualism, bourgeois without a homeland influenced ideology that is noticeably appealing in the United States.

Early history

Ult  neoconservatism born out of the Northeast Academic Intelligentsia . Then former Trotskyists who soon grew tired with communism and the left wing overall, due to its anti-Semitism and anti-west sentiment and anti-americanism in the USSR (like following the Great Purge etc)

These ult neoconservatives most pressing concern morphed the welfare of Israel, created in 1948 so these multi ethnic, religiously diverse ult neoconservatives could come together against the USSR being their common foe, by uniting the West- the US and Israel as a pre NATO type of alliance to keep the USSR from going after the West, Jews and the US in particular

When the 1970s arrived, these ult neocons were leaning deeper and deeper into more of an authoritarian stance in their opposition to the USSR, which was seen by many in the west as a hot bed for anti-Semitism/anti-zionism, Anti West and Anti US sentiments

The impact these ult neocons had on the geopolitical US policy was via them connecting bilateral trade policy with ending the USSR's emigration bans, like as to permit the Jews from the USSR to make ailyah to Israel, the US, and other parts of the West.

One reason for the growth of ult neoconservative messaging is likely due to ult neoconservatism being looked at more fondly and allowed better treatment by the MSM (who is neoliberal, big capital, and secular like many in this type of neocon movement) compared to traditional neoconservatism, paleoconservatism and conservative neoliberalism

Ult neocons much more than regular neocons and liberal neocons have appealed to US patriotic chauvinism in promoting war throughout the Western Asia/Eastern Europe (Middle East, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia,Western China etc)—under the guise of spreading so called US democracy and freedom to each of those countries, simultaneously leaving out the part of their own solid cultural ties and links to countries (like Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Kurdish land, Israel, Palestine [i.e pro Palestinian left], Afghanistan [in the Soviet-Afghan war], Bosnia ,  that in those places that are under threats of countries they want the US to sanction or war with (Russia, China, Iraq/Syria, Palestine, Israel, USSR, Yugoslavia etc)

This is similar to how Italian leftists in the US pushed for FDR to enter WWII earlier as to defeat the fascist Benito Mussolini government through war.


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